Forums - MVC2: attempting to explain Morrigan Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MVC2: attempting to explain Morrigan ( Posted by aquarake on 10:03:2001 11:03 AM: MVC2: attempting to explain Morrigan First and foremost, you should get Morrigan on anti air type unless you plan to use triple super, in which case u should use Projectile type. Air Dash: Abuse, learn to love and hate and then abuse it. All 3 cancelable with lp. Rush, rush, rush. Shell Pierce (Down + HK) - Classic headstomp with an addition: one u bounce off (doesnt matter if the opponent blocked or got hit) you can call your assists in the air. Its also cancellable upon inpact so u can cancel it with air soul fist, shadow blade, another shell pierce (up to 3 if you time it right), or drill kick. Drill Kick (QCB + HK) - Single handedly the most bizarre move in Morrigan's arsenal. Has a vaccume effect, does 3 hits of damage at max. Im not 100% sure of this move, but sometimes it needs to be blocked high (and sometimes it doesnt). Not a totally abusable move because it lags the way down from jump. Not cancellable. You ought to go and cancel shell pierce into drill kick or air dash and then drill kick. Its still vulnerable at that time though. Soul Fist raining - I've found out that its not that bad of a tactic. Its not too bad to shoot like 2 or 3 soul fists and keep them blocking. Its not the best of tactics, but its good to keep a character defensive. Beware on Storm or Blackheart users. Morrigan is a rush down character. She isnt a Storm or Magneto, but an expert Morrigan can spell doom for someone who doesn't expect a low tier character to do any damage. Secure her rushdown by a well ground or projectile assist. Sentinel's ground type covers Morrigan's airdash rush in very well. For me, Megaman's projectile makes a good combo continue. Her supers honestly suck. The silhouette blade pulls out immediately and has a bad lag after and does very little damage. Soul Eraser pulls out almost immediately and has a HORRIBLE lag. The opponent needs to be standing to do max damage. The Darkness Illusion has a horrible start up time and will have a horrible lag if its blocked. All three can be comboed in with assists or Delayed Hypered. Her worst features is that she has no move that make her stand out, like Doom having a move (Photon shot) that covers space, or Blackheart's HP and HK throwing out demons or goblins, or sentinel period. She has horrible defense and offense. A good way to rush down is to use the Down Diagonal air-dash and hit the opponent in the air. Crouch blockers will get hit. Start the rushdown with HP. Another way to start a rush down is to do an air soul fist and dash in right after. Its 3:53 AM so I'll post more later Posted by ThE CRoW on 10:03:2001 12:53 PM: tnx tnx for the strats man, tried using her but can get the hang of it, some of her moves lag , but she does decent damage, if u connect either projectile or the kick super Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 10:03:2001 02:00 PM: that was pretty good. wiil you be posting combos? Posted by Shuzer on 10:03:2001 05:29 PM: Tron-Y is really good for airdash-crazy Morrigan since she's not exactly the best damage dealer(and it holds them in place for a super to hit). Posted by aquarake on 10:03:2001 06:27 PM: quote: that was pretty good. wiil you be posting combos? thanks combos varies with who you use as assist characters. Like for me I use Megaman (projectile) and Sentinel (ground). Assist sentinel, ground dash in lp lp hk, wait for sentinel's assist to hit 3 times, then continue the combo to launch (magic series). Really it depends who else you use in your team. Tron Bonne is a killer assist, so crossing up and trapping a character is a pretty killer combo. Anyway, have to goto class, will write more. Posted by mixup on 10:03:2001 07:39 PM: Cross-over T.bonne fk Into big ass super! TOO MUCH DAMAGE! Posted by aquarake on 10:03:2001 08:20 PM: Besides the combos ive posted, i really dont have a set combo that i use. Im currently trying to find some crowd pleaser air combo (like magneto's) trying to find a use with her airdash to cross up or get a reset combo going, but no luck for me. Plus I lack good competition in the Riverside area (not to mention that the MVC2 joystick sucks, i try to do soul fist rain, and it ends up airdashing ) GOOD OL DREAMCAST Posted by jballa1 on 10:03:2001 09:00 PM: yeah when will u post some combos Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 10:03:2001 10:25 PM: im loving this. do you know of any gaurd breaks with her? i was thinking about using a darkstalker team (bbh, morrigan, anakaris) because alot of people qualify them as 3rd tier Posted by aquarake on 10:03:2001 11:11 PM: not much time right now, but if viscant wants to add on (or flame me), by all means go for it. Currently i have no guard break for her (not that i acutally use guard breaks) but hopefully i'll get something down. Side note: anakaris idle hand = crazy battery. cant catch them when they're ducking. Solution? COUGH COUGH chunli expansion type. you let ur imagination run wild with that one. Posted by The Deserted Chateau on 10:04:2001 02:36 AM: My opinion I think Morrigan is a great character, despite lacking power. Her super are quite powerful but are hard to connect with the exception of Silhouette Blade - it does crap damage though. Assists Her best partners are Sentinel [ ground type ], Doctor Doom [ anti air type ], Blackheart [ anti air type ], Tron [ projectile type ] and Captain Commando [ anti air type ]. They help her out heaps in rush down and keep away. Start Rush Down I find that her rush down isn't up to Magento's level, but it's easier to do than Magneto's - thanks to her diagonal down air dash [ pp or f, f in the air ]. That air dash means you don't have to place much effort into a triangle jump such as Magneto's, as she kind of descends already [ but not as effective as Magneto's triangle jump ]. I use that air dash as the rush down tool. In the middle or latter stages of that air dash, pull out a move. Her air jab is one of the best moves to use because it has long reach, effectively jamming and stopping attempts to jump out of the corner - the other moves are too slow or are ineffective. To help Morrigan get the character cornered, call Sentinel [ Sentinel Force assist ] and air dash with the swarm of Sentinel drones who will cover her as they travel in the exact same direction, shooting out a few soul fists then air dashing helps. When Morrigan is alone, starting her rush down is done by shooting out a few soul fists in a super jump. Then air dash and use a shell kick - which is a move that must be abused. Shell Kick Another move that you can use is the lk shell kick [ the lk version won't interrupt her air dash speed and trajectory unlike the hk version ]. The shell kick [ qcb + lk in air ] travels at the air dash speed [ which is fast ] and its direction. It's not as fast to come out as the air jab but it's far more pressuring and pins the character effectively because it hits up to three times and is maintained [ if you thought Valkyrie Turn was great, you'll love the air dash and shell kick strategy - it's like an effective low scale Valkyrie Turn ]. The move also stops would be assists in the corner [ unless it's invincible ] as the kick is constant all the way down to the ground. Once Morrigan lands, she instantly recovers - meaning that you can attack some more to further pin the character. A good move to use is crouching jab [ it hits twice ] followed by a combo. If you nail them, take them into an air combo ending in a soul fist [ so they stay in the corner, ending in a throw lets them get out and you have to start the rush down again ]. Then vernier dash 'u' down and do another shell kick to jam them as they get up from being knocked down on their back. Chipping Rush Down If the character blocks your attacks, keep them pinned using a combo. Since Morrigan instantly recovers as soon as air dash shell kick reaches the ground [ which is fast considering it is at air dash speed and travelling to the ground already ], you can bust out a pinning combo. During this time, call Doctor Doom [ Molecular Shield Assist ] who will chip [ lots of it ] and further pin the character. Once that assist looks like it's ending, air dash in a normal jump and shell kick - the shell kick chips and pins, further emphasizing the chipping rush down. If they block it [ no big deal since you got chip off it anyway ], land and repeat the above strategy [ until they die ]. Sometimes shell kick looks to hit low when really all hits must be blocked standing up. When the character crouches [ while shell kick is drilling into their block ], they get hit by shell kick, you land, instantly recover and bust out an air combo ending in a soul fist to keep them in the corner. Whatever you do when you combo them, do not use her crouching roundhouse - they can roll out of the rush down. Note Captain Commando and other invincible assists will screw your entire chipping rush down pitch. At these times, use other strategies or adapt your method of rush down. Most of the time, this will not happen considering that Morrigan isn't top tier - she will be under estimated. Smart players will push block you, so it's advisable you don't become too reliant on this strategy. Plus, it's useful to jump forward, air dash and shell kick after they push block you. You can reach them faster. Against Cable, she is very likely to eat an AHVB during an air dash or shell kick. Using her Supers Soul Eraser is a crap chipper and not consistent, use only to punish assist and lag. The bad thing is that it recovers SO badly that the character can roll and punish her as well. Use it in the middle of the screen to decrease the chance of being punished by a roller. If they block it, you're screwed. Do not use this super much. Silhouette Blade is reliable but doesn't do much damage, use this one most out of the three supers. Darkness Illusion is very good but too slow to air combo - which is probably why she can't do damage and thus not top tier. Air Darkness Illusion near to the ground lets you OTG with lk back into an air combo. You can also Tiger Knee Darkness Illusion for an OTG chance. In general, Soul Eraser and Darkness Illusion are far to slow [ apart from using an assist such as Tron projectile ], so Silhouette Blade is your best bet except in times of opportunity to punish. Posted by Shuzer on 10:04:2001 04:21 AM: For that assists section, Cyclops-B would be much better than Commando. Except for taking out Blackheart, Cyclops is better for everything else. And Cyke on point is better for taking out Storm than Commando is, point or assist. Plus, extra combo with Cyclops: Launch + Cyke, SJ Short Forward xx Darkness Illusion The optic bullet should hit between the Forward and the super hit. Posted by aquarake on 10:04:2001 07:13 AM: quote: The Deserted Chateau hehe OUCH got out-explained. BOOOOOOOOO hehe j/k, thanks for contributing I admit i wrote little but thats because i've exhausted alot of my information from people continuously asking for morrigan strats. (also had to goto class right after) Left open for anyone to contribute. Posted by ComboFighter on 10:04:2001 07:06 PM: quote: Orginally posted by aquarake another shell pierce (up to 3 if you time it right) WHAT!!! You CAN do another Shell Pierce. I was working with her for a little while but discouraged by the limited combos she has. I might be able to finally finish an air combo I've been trying to get for the longest time. Need to get a DC. What I have so far is:: c.FP, super jump, sj.LP->sj.LK->sj.LP->sj.LK, sj.LP->sj.LK->Shell Pierce.... When I tried to do another Shell Pierce, she just kept bouncing away and nothing else would work to finish it. I'm going to pick her up again and try harder to get the second Shell Pierce. Might lead to an OTG into another air combo or maybe another infinite since Shell Pierce doesn't cause the flying screen effect. Posted by aquarake on 10:04:2001 08:05 PM: Shell Pierce only connects after a lk. She bounces away after using shell pierce, but when u bounce off (and are in the "bounce off jump mode"), you can still airdash all the way down, air soul fist once, shadow blade, or drill kick. You can also go for Shell Pierce XX drill kick. Depending on who you're fighting and how you set up for that combo, the drill kick may or may not connect. Its blockable. Note: the combo (launch lp lk lp lk shell pierce OR lp lk shell pierce) does not connect the shell pierce on Cammy. The shell pierce misses completly. Remember tho, i said that once you're in that Bounced off the shell pierce mode, u can call assist in the air and still make one more move. So a not fully comboable combo could be Launch lp lk lp lk Shell pierce *sentinel assist* Upper airdash (the airdash crosses u up). Sentinel will throw 3 sentinels from the opposite side and you have just crossed up. Note that its not fully comboable. It will, however, keep the opponent on the defensive. Posted by ComboFighter on 10:04:2001 11:27 PM: Wait a minute. I haven't been able to try this double Shell Pierce yet. What I'm trying to do is fall with the opponent or get to the ground before them and not bouce up into the air. I try to do all her other moves after the Shell pierce, Soul Fist, Drill Kick, dashing, Darkness Illuion even, nothing worked to finish it. I know about being able to call assits and stuff. I'm trying to get a fancy air combo for her. All she has is the generic air combo which I get sick of real quick. I've impressed everyone with the 18 hit air combo I got so far. But to finish it with a Shell Pierce is weak. Posted by aquarake on 10:05:2001 02:51 AM: shell pierce X3 only if it is blocked (letdown i know) and its canceling the shell pierce immediately, like shell pierce xx drill kick and not bouncin off. Posted by aquarake on 10:06:2001 05:24 PM: Some of Viscant's strats ive seen He pairs Morrigan with ruby heart (and doom i think) works well if he's using ruby heart on point. If he sends out morrigan's assist, immediately after she lands, Ruby heart does the weird ground fire thingy to cover her safely until she leaves the screen. Viscant also does the soul fist rain, but not very long and not very often. Also a sick combo with Morrigan: launch (ruby heart assist) magic series, Darkness illusion (connects cuz ruby heart's assist hits and buys time for morrigan to use her super. He rushes in (if he rushes) with regular airdash and HP (for priority) while i rush in with down airdash (shave the ground) and and lp (which im gonna change the lp into hp) but in my opinion airdash down has more deceptive properties, as it shaves the ground to give the impression that morrigan is grounded and they may block low. A good way to rush with morrigan (if you're close to ur opponent) is superjump XX airdash (whichever direction fits your situation and HP A note about her darkness illusion super: if started in the air similar to the AVHB motion, you can actually follow up with an OTG lk and launch Im still learning the infintes. lp Launch lk shellpierce xx drill kick repeat (works only on doom and tron) lp lk hk xx superjump xx dash lp lk hk repeat. (works on magneto but i havent gotton this one yet) Posted by aquarake on 10:06:2001 06:18 PM: OHHHH i just thought of something for a guardbreak (and ill try it out soon) right next to the corner Superjump Shell pierce (to speed up her drop down) xx drill kick (to prevent her from bouncing off) and then Air Darkness illusion OTG lk Launch whatever Hopefully i get that down. Posted by aquarake on 10:25:2001 05:05 AM: if anyone bothers to read this anymore... thanks guardbreak w/ morrigan (it costs 2 supers) Darkness illusion toward the wall where ur opponent will fall out. then once u bounce off do a different super. it's costly for a guardbreak but its one super or the other right? Posted by Digicore2001 on 10:25:2001 05:20 AM: So you're saying the shell pierce xx shell kick doesn't work? Pooey. I was thinking maybe a well timed lp. Shadowblade xx Darkness Illusion might work, but I've never really tried it. Posted by aquarake on 10:25:2001 08:21 AM: if ur talking about guardbreaking shell pierce xx drill kick, i havent tried that yet. i dont own a dc Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 10:31:2001 11:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by aquarake if anyone bothers to read this anymore... thanks guardbreak w/ morrigan (it costs 2 supers) Darkness illusion toward the wall where ur opponent will fall out. then once u bounce off do a different super. it's costly for a guardbreak but its one super or the other right? thats cool. it wouldnt be that big of a deal because morrigan isnt exactly a meter wasting machine. Posted by Dasrik on 11:21:2001 09:55 PM: I'm bored, so here are some Morrigan strats. * jab shadow blade - learn it, love it. Best blowthru weapon. Because of its ow height, Morrigan is one of the few characters that can literally "DP that shit". * her easiest guardbreak off a dead character: j.fierce xx Darkness Illusion. Still works from MvC1, and it's hard to escape because there's a limited window for your opponent to do anything. Try to hit with the top part of the j.fierce for best success. * My Morrigan team: Morrigan/Sentinel/Tron. Easy 100% 2-level combo: call Tron and get on other side of opponent. s.fierce xx soul fist xx darkness illusion. DHC into HSF BEFORE Morrigan knocks her opponent up into the air (as late as possible). Launch. 4-hit chain into DP rocket punch. Dead Cable. * re triple shell pierce - This works if Morrigan is in unfly mode. That's right, she gets into unfly mode same way as Sent/IM/etc., but being in unfly mode lets her do normal attack or block after Shell Pierce. * c.short -> df.fierce xx silhouette blade actually doesn't do bad damage if you're stuck with Morrigan alone (or without an assist like Cyke or Tron to set stuff up) Peace... Posted by disgruntled goa on 11:22:2001 03:11 AM: Here's just an interesting note. In Morrigan's air combo, it is possible to lp, lk, lk, lp, lk, lp, xx soul fist/shadow blade/ whatever. The timing isn't too hard to get down. It isn't much, nothing ground-breaking or anything like that but it does help you extend your air combos. However, it's really for aesthetic purposes only since the damage scaling makes the combo do less damage, than just the regular, lp, lk, lp, lk xx soul fist or whatever. But who knows, maybe someone will find a way to use it to make a Morrigan airdash combo or AC darkness illusion combo. I can only hope. Posted by ej_333 on 01:14:2002 08:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by aquarake lp Launch lk shellpierce xx drill kick repeat (works only on doom and tron) lp lk hk xx superjump xx dash lp lk hk repeat. (works on magneto but i havent gotton this one yet) is this for real? does morrigan's first infinite only work on doom and tron? and the 2nd infinite, i heard it only works in corner? Posted by Deathfist on 01:23:2002 08:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik * re triple shell pierce - This works if Morrigan is in unfly mode. That's right, she gets into unfly mode same way as Sent/IM/etc., but being in unfly mode lets her do normal attack or block after Shell Pierce. Peace... Uh Dasrik, Can you please make a detailed explaination of this technique and how to do it with Morrigan? You have perked my interest and curiousity. Posted by Paranoia EviL on 03:04:2002 07:22 AM: my friend used to do this really annoying combo with morrigan c.hp sj lp lk lp lk fp land dash forward hcb+lp i never found a way out of it and its good easy damage. Posted by aquarake on 03:22:2002 02:46 PM: just a flashy combo corner combo Sentinel launch lp lk lp lk fly xx grab morrigan(aaa) assist, harddrive super, lk OTG lp-rocket punch xx hyper sentinel force or something of the sort, it was awhile ago i'm more or less retired MvC2 player, dont play too seriously no more... Posted by Dark Strider on 03:23:2002 04:33 AM: Here's a sweet combo with Morrigan and Mag capture, c.fp,( call Mag), SJ, lk., d+rk, hyper grav hits-Darkness Illusion. It looks awesome and does great damage. Have fun with this one Posted by Dasrik on 03:23:2002 10:06 PM: I have a feeling this is my last post of the day (boy, I'm a forum scrub), so I'll try to explain my theory of how unfly mode works... Basically, whenever you jump, you have a limited amount of certain actions you can do in the air. ie... you can only airdash once during a superjump. Also, if you do a regular move, command move, or unfly that makes you bounce or fall, it puts you in a state much like regular jump mode after one normal action (kind of like you've been guardbroken). You can't block or do a normal move, but you can do a special or super, or if you haven't done one of the actions (like airdash), you can do that too. This is also why you can call assists after the recovery of a stomp, even if you superjumped. (It's also notable that you're also put into this state if you cancel the stomp with an airdash or other sort of special action, even if you were superjumping at the time.) However, you can beat that with a trick in the game engine. What we call "unfly mode" is actually the way the engine prevents you from being guardbroken after getting hit in the air. Since getting hit is an action, you shouldn't be able to block on the way down, right? But you can - I think the game accounts for this difference by putting you in a special mode where you can still do a normal action after getting hit out of the air. The only thing is, this mode is NOT reset if you superjump after landing on your feet. It does if you jump, because the game's engine is specifically written so that you can only do two actions in the air (normal/special). What does this mean? Ordinarily, after you fly or do a stomp special, you're put in the normal jump state post-normal action. But "unfly mode" prevents that from happening because the game still thinks you're getting hit out of the air. So you can STILL do a normal action, like block or do a normal attack; even another stomp. There might be a set limit of how many actions you can do before you lose unfly mode (because it does run out after awhile), but that's my theory. This does NOT change the number of special airdash-type actions you can do in a superjump; meaning if you've airdashed with Morrigan then you stomp, you still can't airdash afterward regardless of being in unfly mode or not. But anyway, that's what I've been able to gather. This applies to every character, not just Morrigan or Sentinel. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:11 AM. Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.